I'm not spending energy trying to guess what I have to say to fit in, but I can just be me. Looking back at the past year I've felt very at ease. On the other hand, with the proper support and safe spaces to thrive, this process can become an inquiry into "Who am I really?" The problem with having to monitor, second guess and auto-edit your every single thought and action is that it can lead to low self-esteem or sense of self. Constant watchfulness or vigilance can go in either of two directions-self-awareness or Self-doubt. But for most marginalized people, it is every day of every week of the year. Today, in the wake of #MeToo, I love it when someone voices their concern over suddenly having to watch what they say or how they act in certain situations. I watched what I was wearing, what poster I hung on the wall and what music I listened to. By editing, I mean that I was always conscious about what I was saying, the pitch of my voice, my body language etc., and I was carefully matching the vocabulary of my friends. My history growing up as a young gay man in the '80s and '90s, I lived a heavily "edited" life. Having spent one year on Project Fantasy writing stories and Pride Month being here again, it's time to reflect on how I have experienced the industry and give some advice to new and current developers who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Still, even if I was not asked, I always thought about "when do I let them know my partner is a guy and how will that affect my chances". I remember feeling comfortable during the initial conversations of the hiring process. 🌈 Pride month is here, and it marks my one-year anniversary of entering the games industry, working as a Junior Writer at IOI. Meet Hektor Johansen, Junior Writer on Project Fantasy: